ISA 563: Fundamentals of Systems Programming

Spring 2014
Muhammad Abdulla
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BulletLecture Notes and Course Schedule

  Date   Topic Assigned Readings / Assignment(s) Due   Notes   
Jan. 21 Class Cancelled Due to Snow
Jan. 28 Overview, Variables, Expressions, Operators, Control Flow Read: TCPL Chapers 1, 2, 3
Homework 1 Due Feb. 11.
overview language-basics control-flow
Feb. 4 Functions, Arrays & Strings, Typedef, Union, Structures Read: TCPL Chapters 4, 5, 6 functions arrays complex-datatypes
Feb. 11 Pointers and Memory Management, Standard Library: I/O, String, Math, Utilities Read: TCPL Chapters 5, 7, APUE Chapter 5 pointers and memory management the standard C library static and dynamic libraries
Feb. 18 Modularity, Files & Directories, Process Control Read: TCPL Chapter 4, APUE Chapters 3, 4, 8, 9
Homework 2 Due Mar. 18.
modularity files and directories processes
Feb. 25 Daemon Processes, Signals, Sockets Read: APUE Chapters 10, 13, 16 signals daemons sockets
Mar. 4 Library Interposition, Multithreading, Concurrency Control Read: APUE Chapters 11 and 12 dynamic libraries threads
Mar. 11 Spring Break, No Class
Homework 3 Due Apr. 8.
Mar. 18 Concurrency (cont'd), System Data Files and Information, Virtual File Systems APUE Chapter 6 threads system files
Mar. 25 Authorization and Authentication, Debugging with GDB, Debugging Patterns Read: T. Parr article, GDB Documentation authorization and authentication debugging
Apr. 1 Introduction to Valgrind, Pin Read: Overview, Examples valgrind pin-tutorial
Apr. 8 Basic IPC Read: APUE Chapter 15.
Project 1 Due May 9.
Apr. 15 Advanced IO, More IPC Read: APUE Chapter 14, 17, 16 Advanced IO Advanced IPC
Apr. 22 Terminal IO, Encryption APUE Chapter 18 Terminal IO Encryption
Apr. 29 Secure Socket Programming, Semester Review Secure Socket Layer
May 6 Reading Day (No Class)
May 13 Final Exam Time: 7:20--9:20 PM

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© 2014-2014 Muhammad Abdulla
Last Modified: Jan. 21, 2014