Prof. Kevin Moran receives the MobileSoft Rising Star Award for 2023

Professor Moran was selected to receive the MOBILESoft Rising Star Award for 2023!

Prof. Thomas LaToza receives ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award

Professor LaToza and his team received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for their paper "A Qualitative Study on the Implementation Design Decisions of Developers" published at ICSE 2023.

Prof. ThanhVu (Vu) Nguyen is awarded the National Science Foundation Early Career Research Award.

Post Image: Prof. ThanhVu (Vu) Nguyen is awarded the National Science Foundation Early Career Research Award.

Prof. Nguyen is awarded the National Science Foundation CAREER Award. The title of his project is CAREER: NeuralSAT: A Constraint-Solving Framework for Verifying Deep Neural Networks.

Lishan Yang won SPEC Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award

Congratulations to Professor Lishan Yang on winning the prestigious SPEC Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award 2023!

CS@Mason Now Ranked #36 in Influential Rankings of Computer Science Departments

The George Mason University Computer Science Department is celebrating its continued and rapid growth, as our recent accomplishments have solidified our place as one of the top programs in the country.