Appeal Procedure

Students admitted provisionally may appeal the requirement that they take a foundation course if they believe they already have a mastery of the material covered in that course. Note: Appeals cannot be filed for CS 530 or CS 531.

To appeal, you must submit a foundation course appeal form along with a letter that explains both the reason for your appeal and the new information you are providing that was not included in your original admission materials. Any appeal submitted without this letter will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed by the department. Appeals must be filed in the CS Department Office prior to the date of the test out exams before your first semester in the CS department and only after signing your provisional contingent admission contract. If your appeal request is denied, you still have the option to test out of your required courses.

Test Out Exams

Students have one opportunity to test out of their required foundation courses before beginning their first semester. The exams are given before classes begin in January and August and can only be taken once. Students failing any one of the exams must take the equivalent course before enrolling in the core curriculum courses.

Test out exams are available for the following courses: COMP 501 (SWE 510), COMP 502 (INFS 519), COMP 503 (INFS 519), COMP 511 (INFS 519), CS 530, and CS 531. Registration is required. For instructions and to view the schedule for upcoming exams, go to this page.