We have proposed and implemented the language CoJava,
which offers both the advantages of simulation-like process modeling in
Java, and the capabilities of true decision optimization. By design, the
suntax of CoJava is identical to the programming language Java, extended with special constructs to (1) make a non-deterministic choice
of a numeric value, (2) assert a constraint, and (3) designate a program
variable as the objective to be optimized. The semantics of CoJava interprets a program as an optimal nondeterministic execution path, namely,
a path that (1) satisfies the range conditions in the choice statements,
(2) satisfies the assert-constraint statements, and (3) produces the optimal value in a designated program variable, among all execution paths
that satisfy (1) and (2). To run a CoJava program amounts to first finding an optimal execution path, and then procedurally executing it. We
have developed a CoJava constraint compiler based on a reduction of
the problem of finding an optimal execution trace to a standard symbolic formulation, reinterpreting Java code as a symbolic constraint construction, and solving the resulting optimization problem on an external
solver. To demonstrate the power of CoJava, we have implemented a realistic problem in the area of robot arm control in CoJava. The robot arm
is constructed using self-contained components implemented as CoJava
classes, that model robot's arm movements based on Newton's laws.
A vital part of a modern economy is an information market. In this market, information products are being traded in countless ways. Information is bought, modified,
integrated, incorporated into other products, and then sold again. Often, the manufacturing of an information product requires the collaboration of several participants. A
virtual enterprise is a community of business entities that collaborate on the manufacturing of complex products. This collaboration is often ad hoc, for a specific product
only, after which the virtual enterprise may dismantle. The virtual enterprise paradigm is particularly appealing for modeling collaborations for manufacturing information products, and in this paper we present a new model, called VirtuE, for modeling
such activities. VirtuE has three principal components. First, it defines a distributed
infrastructure with concepts such as members, products, inventories, and production
plans. Second, it defines transactions among members, to enable collaborative production of complex products. Finally, it provides means for the instrumentation of
enterprises, to measure their performance and to govern their behavior.
This paper presents a single project experiment on the fault revealing capabilities of model-based
test sets. The tests are generated from UML statecharts and UML sequence diagrams. This experiment
found that the statechart test sets did better at revealing unit level faults than the sequence diagram test
sets, and the sequence diagram test sets did better at revealing integration level faults than the statechart
test sets. The statecharts also resulted in more test cases than the sequence diagrams. The experiment
showed that model-based testing can be used to systematically generate test data and indicates that
different UML models can play different roles in testing.
We consider the process of manufacturing a product from a given number of elementary components. By assembling intermediate products, the target product can
be manufactured in a variety of processes, each modeled by a tree. We are interested
in manufacturing turnaround: the time between receiving an order at the root and its
completion. We express the turnaround time of each manufacturing process (tree) with
a formula that incorporates three parameters: the time required to create elementary
components, the time required to assemble a product from its components and the time
required to deliver the product to its procurer (another manufacturer). We show that
this turnaround formula is optimized in a manufacturing process that corresponds to
a perfect (or nearly perfect) tree. The degree of the optimal tree (i.e., the ideal number
of components in each sub-assembly) is shown to be independent of the number of
elementary components, suggesting that in each manufacturing environment there is
an ideal assembly size, which is optimal for the manufacturing of products of any scale.
We describe an architecture for a database service that does not assume that the
service provider can be trusted. Unlike other architectures that address this problem,
this architecture, which we call blind custodians, does not rely on encryption. Instead,
it offers confidentiality by means of information dissociation: The server only stores
âfragmentsâ of information that are considered safe (i.e., each fragment does not violate privacy), while the client stores the associations between the fragments that are
necessary to reconstruct the information. We argue that this architecture allows satisfactory confidentiality, while offering two important advantages: (1) It does not restrict
the types of queries that can be submitted by clients (as encryption-based methods invariably do), and (2) it requires only light processing at the client, assigning the bulk
of the processing to the server (as befits a true service). Moreover, the architecture
permits flexible control over the level of confidentiality that should be maintained (at
the cost of additional overhead).
Finding intensional encapsulations of database subsets is the inverse of query evaluation. Whereas query evaluation transforms an intensional expression (the query) to
its extension (a set of data values), intensional encapsulation assigns an intensional
expression to a given set of data values. We describe a method for deriving intensional
representations of subsets of records in large database tables. Our method is based
on the paradigm of genetic programming. It is shown to achieve high accuracy and
maintain compact expression size, while requiring cost that is acceptable to all applications, but those that require instantaneous results. Intensional encapsulation has a
broad range of applications including cooperative answering, information integration,
security and data mining.
Evolutionary computation has proven its utility in automating the process of engineering design. However,
little attention has been paid to the scalability of generated designs, which is an important issue. This paper
addresses this issue and proves the viability of evolving
families of designs using parameterized L-Systems as a
representation. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: first, an introduction as to why scalability is important and difficult; second, a review of existing work
on evolving L-Systems; the third section contains a description of the application domain used for this feasibility study, details on the L-Systems and the EA used;
section four presents experiments conducted and their results; the paper ends with a discussion, drawing conclusions and setting goals for future work.
The data in vision problems, often heavily contaminated
by outliers, call for efficient robust techniques to identify inliers for correct estimation. RANSAC algorithm
is a frequently used robust estimator for computer vision
problems. In traditional RANSAC scheme, when data
contain significant fraction of outliers, large number of
samples is needed in order to obtain at least one outlier
free sample. In addition to that, each hypothesis generated from the samples is typically evaluated using all
data points, which further lowers the efficiency. In this
paper, we propose a novel hypothesis evaluation scheme,
which enables efficient classification of the data points as
outliers and inliers, while requiring a small fixed number
of samples. The method is based on the observation that
for each data point the properties of the distribution of
the residuals with respect to the generated hypotheses reveal whether the point is an outlier or inlier. The problem
of inlier/outlier identification can then be formulated as
a classification problem. We demonstrate the proposed
method on motion estimation problems with large fraction of outliers on both synthetic and real data.
In many computer vision problems, several instances of
a particular model need to be recovered from the noisy
data. In such cases one is faced with the problem of simultaneous estimation of the number of models and their
parameters. This problem becomes difficult as the measurement noise in the data increases and the data are further corrupted by outliers. This is especially the case
in a variety of motion estimation problems, where the
displacement between the views is large and the process
of establishing correspondences is difficult. In this paper we propose a novel nonparametric sampling based
method for solving this problem. The main novelty of the
proposed method lies in the analysis of the distribution of
residuals of individual datas points with respect to the set
of hypotheses, generated by a RANSAC-like sampling
process. We will show that the modes of the residual distributions directly reveal the presence of multiple models
and facilitate the recovery of the individual models, without making any assumptions about the distribution of the
outliers or the noise process. The proposed approach is
capable of handling data with large fraction of outliers.
Experiments with both synthetic and real data are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
In concurrent cooperative multiagent learning, each
agent in a team simultaneously learns to improve the
overall performance of the team, with no direct control
over the actions chosen by its teammates. An agent's action selection directly influences the rewards received by
all the agents; this results in a co-adaptation among the
concurrent learning processes. Co-adaptation can drive
the team towards suboptimal solutions because agents
tend to select those actions that are rewarded better, without any consideration for how such actions may affect the
search of their teammates. We argue that to counter this
tendency, agents should also prefer actions that inform
their teammates about the structure of the joint search
space in order to help them choose from among various
action options. We analyze this approach in a cooperative coevolutionary framework, and we propose a new algorithm, oCCEA, that highlights the advantages of selecting informative actions. We show that oCCEA generally
outperforms other cooperative coevolution algorithms on
our test problems.
Concurrent learning is a form of cooperative multiagent
learning in which each agent has an independent learning
process and little or no control over its teammates' actions. In such learning algorithms, an agent's perception
of the joint search space depends on the reward received
by both agents, which in turn depends on the actions
currently chosen by the other agents. The agents will
tend to converge towards certain areas of the space because of their learning processes. As a result, an agent's
perception of the search space may benefit if computed
over multiple rewards at early stages of learning, but
additional rewards have little impact towards the end.
We thus suggest that agents should be lenient with their
teammates: ignore many of the low rewards initially, and
fewer rewards as learning progresses. We demonstrate
the benefit of lenience in a cooperative co-evolution algorithm and in a new reinforcement learning algorithm.
Can a good learner compensate for a poor learner when
paired in a coordination game? Previous work has given
an example where a special learning algorithm (FMQ) is
capable of doing just that when paired with a specific
capable algorithm even in games which stump the poorer
algorithm when paired with itself. In this paper, we argue
that this result is not general. We give a straightforward
extension to the coordination game in which FMQ cannot compensate for the lesser algorithm. We also provide
other problematic pairings, and argue that another highquality algorithm cannot do so either.
The localization capability is central to basic navigation
tasks and motivates development of various visual navigation systems. These systems can be used both as
navigational aids for visually impaired or in the context of autonomous mobile systems. In this paper we
describe a two stage approach for localization in indoor
environments. In the first stage, the environment is partitioned into several locations, each characterized by a
set of scale-invariant keypoints and their associated descriptors. In the second stage the keypoints of the query
view are integrated probabilistically yielding an estimate
of most likely location. The emphasis of our approach in the environment
model acquisition stage is on the selection of discriminative features, best suited for characterizing individual
locations. The high recognition rate is maintained with
only 10% of the originally detected features, yielding a
substantial speedup in recognition. The ambiguities due
to the self-similarity and dynamic changes in the environment are resolved by exploiting spatial relationships
between locations captured by Hidden Markov Model.
Once the most likely location is determined, the relative
pose of the camera with respect to the reference view can
be computed.
One approach to testing concurrent programs, called reachability testing, generates synchronization sequences
automatically, and on-the-fly, without constructing any static models. In this paper, we present a general execution model for
concurrent programs that allows reachability testing to be applied to several commonly used synchronization constructs. We also
present a new method for performing reachability testing. This new method guarantees that every partially-ordered synchronization
sequence will be exercised exactly once without having to save any sequences that have already been exercised. We describe a prototype
reachability testing tool called RichTest and report some empirical results, including a comparison between RichTest and a partial
order reduction based tool called VeriSoft. RichTest performed significantly better for the programs in our study. Index Terms: Software Testing, Reachability Testing, Concurrent Programming